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Research on Demand

Technical Assistance for Federal Reporting

As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences…

Legislative Update

Senate Panel Boosts Arts Ed Funding

The House and Senate were in recess for the month of August. Senators and representatives will return to Washington on September 14 to resume legislative work. Before breaking for the August recess, the Senate Appropriations…

State to State

Rhode Island: Mashapaug Pond Project

The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) has demonstrated how the arts can help a community raise public awareness about local environmental issues and health hazards. RISCA commissioned artist Holly Ewald in 2008…

Executive Director's Column

Open Dialogue 2010: The Association of American Cultures

My thanks to Mayumi for agreeing to report to the NASAA membership on issues and events at the recent national conference of The Association of American Cultures (TAAC) in Chicago. State arts agency leaders were…


Full Issue
Research on Demand

State Arts Agency Grant Trends

As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences…

Announcements and Resources

NASAA Assembly 2010

Looking for innovative state arts agency programs and products? Want to exchange ideas about services and practices with others in your field? Immerse yourself in the diverse gatherings of NASAA Assembly 2010, taking place October…

Executive Director's Column

Let's Assemble!

I’m delighted that this month NASAA President Suzette Surkamer is writing to Notes readers about the upcoming NASAA Assembly 2010. I hope you can join us in Austin —Jonathan Katz, NASAA CEO [caption id=”” align=”alignleft”…

Legislative Update

Congress Postpones Funding Decisions; Arts Advocates Eye Tax Bill

Congress Postpones Funding Decisions to a Lame Duck Session The House and Senate returned from the August recess on September 14, and with just two weeks left before adjournment, there was little time—and even less…


Full Issue
Executive Director's Column

What Effective Arts Constituencies Do

Between last November and this month, each of the six regional arts organizations has cordially provided me the opportunity to address NASAA members at one of its meetings. Given turnover in Congress, in NEA leadership,…

State to State

Virginia: Celebrating Women in the Arts

Several years ago the Virginia Commission for the Arts (VCA) began hosting regular roundtable discussions among the state’s major arts organizations, with the goal of encouraging these groups to play a strong leadership role in promoting the arts statewide.…

State to State

Utah: Parent-Teacher Association Partnership

The Utah Arts Council (UAC) has a strong partnership with the Utah PTA (Parent-Teacher Association). In 1997, under the leadership of UAC’s arts education program, Utah PTA expanded state Reflections program to include dance choreography,…

Research on Demand

Support for Individual Artists

As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences…

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