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NASAA’s mission is to strengthen state arts agencies.

NASAA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to strengthening the nation’s 56 state and jurisdictional arts agencies.

NASAA takes pride in helping state arts agencies to flourish. We equip state arts agencies to meet the challenges of today—and fortify them to thrive in the future. Learn more about our member benefits.

Member Benefits

Artist or Arts Organization?

If you are seeking grant funding, please contact your state arts agency (SAA) for information on support available in your state.

SAA Directory

Staff or Council Member?

If you are on the staff or council (commission or board) of a state arts agency, connect with NASAA and your peers.

For council members

Arts Supporter, Researcher, Policymaker or Member of the Media?

Welcome! The arts belong to all of us, so NASAA makes 99% of our research and advocacy material freely accessible to the public. Please explore our site and follow NASAA on Facebook to connect to our community.

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