Legislative Update
Advocates Build Support For NEA Fund Increase: While Congress is in recess until after the November elections, arts advocates are building support in the Senate for an increase in funding for the National Endowment for…
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: I want to encourage civic leaders in my state to become champions for arts education. What are some accessible – and inspirational – resources that can help me make the case? Answer: In addition…
Executive Director's Column
The NASAA Leadership Institute provided many memorable experiences. The challenging presentations, topical workshops, peer group dialogues, the approval of NASAA’s strategic plan, the unique Alaskan environment, and the remarkable performances and exhibitions arranged by the…
Did You Know?
Consumer Spending on the Performing Arts Remains Flat Despite Growing Economy. Inflation-adjusted spending on performing arts events remained at 2004 levels in 2005, according to a recent Note from the National Endowment for the Arts.…