September 3, 2024
Virginia: VA250 Impact Grants
The Virginia Commission for the Arts (VCA) and the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250) have entered into a partnership to help the state honor the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution.
The VA250 Commission was established by the Virginia General Assembly to commemorate Virginia’s role in the story of American independence and to lead the state’s celebration, public education and marketing efforts leading up to the semiquincentennial. Central to the commission’s work are collaborations with the arts, history, humanities and tourism sectors to engage Virginia communities in marking this significant milestone.
VCA is one of those partners. In collaboration with VA250, the arts commission launched a Virginia250 Impact Grant initiative. Funds from this program will facilitate art based programs or services tied to the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution and the birth of the United States. These one-time grants will revolve around the theme, “A Revolution of Ideas.” Projects will use the arts to commemorate the Revolutionary War, celebrate democracy and elevate the enduring impact of revolutionary ideas on today’s world.
All Virginia units of local and tribal government (including libraries and departments of parks and recreation) and public educational institutions were invited to apply for up to $5,000. These grants do not require a match and funds may be used for artist, educator or speaker fees; program marketing; materials and supplies; or venue rentals. The arts commission announced 22 awards totaling over $100,000 to grantees in all eight regions of the state. Activities will include a wide variety of exhibitions, festivals, workshops, live performances, and interactive public art installations as well as creation of original works.
For more information, contact VCA Senior Grants Officer Catherine Welborn.
In this Issue
From the President and CEO
State to State
Legislative Update
The Research Digest
Announcements and Resources
More Notes from NASAA
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