Join your colleagues from all of the states and jurisdictions for professional development sessions designed for the current needs of state arts agencies. During the NASAA 2023 Learning Series, participants will explore subjects relevant to equity, recovery, arts and health, and more. Sessions offer state arts agencies a valuable opportunity to learn with and from one another, sharing an abundance of ideas to inform, inspire and energize our work.
All staff and council/board members from state arts agencies and regional arts organizations are encouraged to participate. To make this program accessible to all members, NASAA has waived all registration fees for this series.
Where Are We in 2023? The Economic Landscape for Nonprofit Arts Organizations
November 29, 2023
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern
Nonprofit arts organizations rely heavily on a combination of donated and earned income. The COVID-19 pandemic shutdown disrupted what was an already precarious situation for many of these organizations, leading to closures and uncertainty. Now that we are past widespread closures, these nonprofits are subject to new inflationary and labor challenges while also facing the end of the relief funding that brought some temporary stability to the landscape. Join NASAA and subject matter experts from SMU DataArts and Rebecca Thomas + Associates for a look at the current economic landscape for arts based organizations, how it is different and what that may mean for state arts agencies.
Photo: The South Carolina Arts Commission and Columbia Children’s Theatre partnered to present this theatre summer camp for students in Kingstree. Credit: Zan Maddox/Social Design House
NASAA 2023 Business Meeting
October 23, 2023
4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Join NASAA and your peers for our fastest-ever virtual business meeting!
Members will get to do their part as a part of the NASAA community by voting on new NASAA board members and a new chair. And you’ll get to hear from NASAA President and CEO Pam Breaux as she delivers a “State of the States” address. All state and jurisdictional arts agency staff and council/board members are invited to attend. For more and to register, contact Eric Giles.

Reimagining Strategic Planning in a Postpandemic World
October 5, 2023
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Eastern
Join your peers for a facilitated conversation about strategic planning in a postpandemic world from a state arts agency perspective. We’ll discuss the challenges and opportunities of strategic planning as well as explore together fresh models of what strategic planning can be. We have curated a group of five state arts agency leaders who will be sharing their recent experiences led by top-notch facilitators from Union Creative Agency.
SPEAKERS | RESOURCES |The recording for this session is available upon request. Please contact NASAA Learning Services Director Eric Giles.
Leading in the Face of Disaster
September 14, 2023
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern; 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Pacific
We all know—either from experience or from the headlines—that unexpected circumstances can cause devastating loss for communities and the organizations that serve them. These circumstances can range from severe weather conditions to technology failure to unspeakable violence. This session features three state arts agencies that have been in the position to lead their constituents after experiencing disaster in their states, and have risen to the occasion. We’ll hear about their experiences and learn ways to help ensure you and your constituents are not caught off guard when tragedy strikes, but rather can step into action and help restore community well-being.
Engaging Rural Communities
July 19, 2023
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
State arts agencies are always looking for better, more effective ways to engage with their constituents. This is particularly the case when connecting with constituents and communities outside of their states’ more populous centers. Join NASAA and your peers to discover the strategies that three SAAs have undertaken to build trust, strengthen connections and promote engagement with their rural communities.
Retaining Public-Sector Employees
June 22, 2023
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Recruitment and retention have always been a challenge for public employers; however the last few years have been especially difficult. Public-sector organizations, like state arts agencies, are built on the skill, experience and loyalty of their employees and when retention rates are low, they suffer. This web seminar examines what makes government employees want to leave their jobs and explores some ways that state arts agencies can help retain their valuable staff.
Managing Burnout in the Public Sector
May 2, 2023
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
The last few years have seen state arts agency workplace burnout at an all-time high as the stressors of the pandemic, employee turnover and the increased need of constituents have combined into a perfect storm. Burnout has physical and emotional consequences for individuals and impacts their quality of work, their capacity and their personal well-being. This session examines the physiology of burnout, strategies to improve organizational culture and climate to support employees, and tips and techniques for individuals to manage, prevent and address burnout within a state government framework.
Remediating Pandemic Learning Loss and the Arts
March 21, 2023
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
As we are moving further away from the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the full impact of the related learning disruptions is becoming better understood. According to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress, severe damage has been inflicted on student performance, with an estimated two decades of progress wiped out. It could take decades for students to fully catch up.
Join NASAA for a look at the current state of pandemic related learning loss, what policies states are putting into place to combat it, and the role arts education can play in remediating it. Experts from the Arts Education Partnership, the Education Commission of the States, Arts for Learning Maryland and the South Carolina Arts Commission will share examples and ideas on how state arts agencies are and can continue to support efforts in their states.
Making a Strong Case for the Arts
February 8, 2023
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern
How can state arts agencies and cultural advocates make a convincing case for public investment in the arts? What rationales work the best to educate the public and inspire support across the political spectrum? NASAA’s advocacy messaging guide, Arts and Creativity Strengthen Our Nation, offers evidence based approaches adaptable to many settings and circumstances. Join this session to hear how three state arts agencies have found it useful in communicating about their impact and value. There will be time for Q&A, so bring your own challenges and experiences. This session is open to all state arts agency and regional arts organization staff and council members, as well as cultural advocates.
SPEAKERS Michael Lange, Executive Director, Wyoming Arts Council; Miah Michaelsen, Executive Director, Indiana Arts Commission; David Schmitz, Administrator, Iowa Arts Council
Untapped Opportunity: Older Americans & the Arts
December 6, 2022
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Please join us on Tuesday, December 6, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern for our first web session in the NASAA 2023 Learning Series featuring a presentation on clear and actionable items from the new Culture Track report, Untapped Opportunity: Older Americans & the Arts.
Dr. Jen Benoit-Bryan, president of Slover Linett Audience Research, outlines the findings and discusses how you and your constituents can take action around five key themes:
- social connections
- creative activities and the desire to feel a sense of accomplishment
- online arts and culture activities
- encountering new ideas and learning
- bridging divisions in the country