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December 4, 2015
Help in Accessing NASAA Information
Make sure your spam filter doesn’t trap e-mails from NASAA. Whitelist to ensure we are in your allowed-senders list. Need help accessing member content on the NASAA website? See…
December 4, 2015
Mapping Artist Employment
Have you ever wondered how many artists are working in your state? Fortunately, the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey has collected data that helps answer this question. The National…
December 4, 2015
North Carolina: Arts and Military Video
The North Carolina Arts Council (NCAC) recently produced a video highlighting the value of the arts to the military community. The video, Deployed, showcases scenes from an eponymous theatrical production…
December 4, 2015
Education Reform Bill Set to Pass
On November 30, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly (359-64) to approve legislation updating the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The Senate is expected to pass the bill next…
December 4, 2015
2015 Triumphs, 2016 Aspirations
What a year 2015 has been for NASAA. We’ve seen epic transition, and that moment has given birth to renewed member energy and ideas that will inform NASAA’s path forward;…
November 2, 2015
Help in Accessing NASAA Information
Make sure your spam filter doesn’t trap e-mails from NASAA. Whitelist to ensure we are in your allowed-senders list. Need help accessing member content on the NASAA website? See…
November 2, 2015
NEA Panel Cover Sheets
The National Endowment for the arts (NEA) provides state arts agency information sheets to panelists to provide supplemental background information for each state whose application is under review. With guidance…
November 2, 2015
Will Budget Deal Affect NEA Funding?
As we reported last week, President Obama and congressional Republicans agreed on a sweeping budget bill that sets the parameters for the federal budget for the next two years. The…