March 2, 2020
NASAA News and Current Information
Resources for Council Members
Are you on the council, board or commission of your state arts agency? If so, NASAA has gathered helpful resources designed to support your work. Visit For Council Members to watch a video on the history of state arts agencies, learn how other states’ arts councils operate, get a picture of the benefits of state funding for the arts, and scan advocacy resources that help you make the case for funding to your legislators.
Two more terrific resources:
- Report to Councils, NASAA’s periodic two-pager, keeps you up to date on federal arts news, pertinent resources and ways to connect with colleagues. Read Report to Councils, March 2020, for the latest glimpse!
- Consider arranging a live-video orientation to NASAA for your council: simply contact NASAA Communications Manager Sue Struve.
NASAA: Your Trusted Resource
NASAA’s mission is to strengthen state arts agencies. We accomplish this not only by assisting our members, but by being a trusted resource for advocates, colleagues and the press. In fiscal year 2019, for example, while 62% of the 498 information requests that came in to NASAA were from members, 38% were from others interested in or within the field. These requests covered topics ranging from advocacy and governance to funding, programming and planning. For more details—and examples of questions asked—see our FY2019 Information Services Summary.
In this Issue
From the President and CEO
State to State
- Virgin Islands: Made in the USVI Pop-Up Store
- California: Innovations + Intersections
- Virginia: Leveraging Local Investment
Legislative Update
The Research Digest
Announcements and Resources
More Notes from NASAA
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