NASAA Notes: March 2017


March issue
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March 14, 2017

Arts & Military Convenings

New Mexico
Arts & Military Convenings

New Mexico Arts and the Military Roundtable participants at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial in Albuquerque, September 2016. Photo courtesy of New Mexico Arts Accessibility Coordinator Lilli Tichinin

New Mexico Arts (NMA) is developing an arts and military initiative following a statewide constituent survey it deployed in 2015 to learn more about existing creative opportunities for military communities. This past September, NMA held its first Arts and the Military Roundtable Discussion in Albuquerque, convening veteran and other military-focused organizations along with literary, performing and visual artists and arts groups that work with veterans, active-duty military members and their families. Participants included the deputy secretary of the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services, deputy secretary of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, representatives from the New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department, the mayor of Albuquerque’s veteran liaison, and a judge from the Veterans Community Court of Bernalillo County. In January, NMA hosted another convening in Albuquerque. At this meeting, participants shared updates about their own efforts, discussed how NMA can best support their work, considered the possibility of regional arts and military partnerships, and formed working groups on coalition building, empathy training, fundraising and marketing. NMA, which is creating an internship position to support its arts and military work, is planning a third roundtable discussion for June to be held at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. The cochair of the state legislature’s Military & Veterans Affairs Committee is helping to plan the meeting. To learn more, contact NMA Program Coordinator Phyllis Kennedy.