test Fiscal Year 2011 Legislative Appropriations - NASAA

NASAA Notes: February 2011


Angela Han Headshot

Angela Han

February issue
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February 10, 2011

Fiscal Year 2011 Legislative Appropriations

As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences in context. Providing customized responses to member questions is a hallmark of NASAA. This column offers specific examples of the NASAA research services available and shows how they can be customized to meet your needs.

State Arts Agency Facts

  • States currently invest $272.0 million—about $0.87 per capita—in state arts agencies.
  • State arts agency appropriations comprise 0.039% (less than one tenth of one percent) of total state general fund expenditures in FY2011.
  • Each year, state arts agencies fund 18,000 organizations, schools and artists in more than 5,100 communities across the United States.

Twice each year, NASAA conducts a comprehensive survey of state arts agency budgets and shares the findings with state arts agencies and the public. This research helps members compare their own budgets with those of neighboring states, and provides facts and figures that advocates use to make a convincing case for arts support. The most recent survey, completed in November 2010, collected information about state arts agency budgets for fiscal years 2010 and 2011.

Key findings for FY2011 appropriations:

    • State and jurisdictional arts agencies (SAAs) reported $272.0 million in legislative appropriations for FY2011. SAAs posted aggregate losses of $21.2 million, a decrease of 7.2%, between fiscal years 2010 and 2011. This is the third year in a row that SAA appropriations have declined.
    • Thirty-two state arts agencies reported decreases for FY2011, with a median decrease of 8.7%. Compared to FY2010, fewer states reported decreases and the median decrease was much smaller in magnitude.
Table showing changes in total SAA appropriations, FY 2010-11
  • Eight state arts agencies reported increases for FY2011. The median increase was 12.5%. Though fewer states reported increases compared to FY2010, the median increase was larger in magnitude. Many of these increases reflect a partial restoration of funds lost in prior years.

For more information about state arts agency legislative appropriations, see the press release and the full Legislative Appropriations Annual Survey  report (free for NASAA members), or contact Angela Han. Find additional information on funding and why government should support the arts on the NASAA website.

In this Issue

State to State

Legislative Update

Executive Director's Column

Research on Demand




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