September 2, 2010
Missouri: Arts Education Makes a Difference in Missouri Schools
According to a study recently released by the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, students who receive instruction in the arts achieve significantly higher standardized test scores in math and communication arts. Funded by the Missouri Arts Council (MAC), Arts Education Makes a Difference in Missouri Schools also reports better attendance, graduation and discipline rates for students receiving arts classes. The positive relationship between arts participation and student outcomes holds true across the socioeconomic spectrum, even for children in districts with high poverty rates. The study analyzed school district data reported annually to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The results are being used by educators, administrators, policymakers, parents and advocates to increase support for quality arts education across the state. To learn more, contact MAC Program Specialist Julie Hale.
In this Issue
State to State
- Connecticut: Customer Relationship Management System
- Rhode Island: Mashapaug Pond Project
- Hawaiʻi: Second Saturdays and Art Lunches
- Missouri: Arts Education Makes a Difference in Missouri Schools
Legislative Update
Executive Director's Column
Research on Demand
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