NASAA Notes: March 2010


Angela Han Headshot

Angela Han

March issue
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March 12, 2010

Support for Arts Education

As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences in context. Providing customized responses to member questions is a hallmark of NASAA. This column offers specific examples of the NASAA research services available and shows how they can be customized to meet your needs.

State Arts Agency Fact Sheet: Support for Arts Education

Did you know that state arts agencies invest more than $74 million in arts education activities? Supporting lifelong learning in the arts is a top priority for state arts agencies. This includes arts education in schools as well as after-school and out-of-school programs, early childhood learning, higher education, and adult and senior learning.

State Arts Agency (SAA) Grants for
Arts Education
Grant dollars awarded: $74,782,159
   Share of all SAA grant dollars: 27%
Number of grants awarded: 8,507
   Share of all SAA grants: 36%
Number of communities receiving an SAA grant for arts education: 2,843

State arts agencies use a variety of tactics to achieve their arts education goals, including training, research, and grants to support a wide range of activities from performances and exhibitions to residencies, instruction and curriculum development. NASAA’s new fact sheet, Support for Arts Education, provides a national overview of grants and services for arts education, including summary statistics and geographic distribution.

Members interested in further details or comparative information for their state can contact the research staff with their request.

Have questions or feedback about the fact sheet? Want to suggest a future topic? Contact us!