September 10, 2009
Creative Economy and Cultural Tourism Resources
As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences in context. Providing customized responses to member questions is a hallmark of NASAA. This new column offers specific examples of the NASAA research services available and shows how they can be customized to meet your needs.
Creative Economies
Numerous cities, states and regions have successfully incorporated the concept of the creative economy and the value of cultural tourism into their work. To help members make informed policy decisions about the specific role of the state arts agency, NASAA provides custom consultations on these topics. Members seeking guidance are encouraged to contact Policy and Program Associate Jesse Rye.
NASAA also maintains publicly accessible resource centers on these topics for the convenience of members and others interested in the creative economy and cultural tourism.
Creative Economy Resource Center
This resource center serves as a hub for statewide initiatives, impact studies, and policy rationales. NASAA has created several resources related to arts and the economy, including issue briefs and Web seminars. SAA initiatives are also featured, including Arts and Entertainment Districts in Maryland and economic impact research done in Arkansas.
Cultural Tourism Resources
Cultural tourism is an important way to celebrate, preserve and promote a state’s unique heritage, increase opportunities for artists, promote public arts participation and boost economic development. These pages provide examples of how state arts agencies can contribute to cultural tourism and offer a list of national resources.
Know of other information that NASAA should include in these resource centers? Have questions or need guidance? Contact us!
In this Issue
State to State
- Maine: Community Television Partnerships
- South Carolina: Artist Ventures Initiative
- California: Art Works!
- D.C.: Art Unplugged
Executive Director's Column
Research on Demand
Did You Know?
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