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March 10, 2015
Interactive SAA Revenue Data
NASAA recently released State Arts Agency Revenues, Fiscal Year 2015, which gives an in-depth look into the various types of funds state arts agencies (SAAs) receive to support their work….
March 10, 2015
Arts Advocacy Plan: NEA, Education
Arts advocates from all over the country are making plans to travel to Washington, D.C., for Arts Advocacy Day, March 23-24, to make the case to Congress for the arts…
March 10, 2015
We're on the Move!
NASAA is open for business and happily settling in after our office relocation. On a practical level, our new lease terms are great for NASAA’s bottom line. We’re already benefiting…
February 6, 2015
Help in Accessing NASAA Information
Make sure your spam filter doesn’t trap e-mails from NASAA. Place in your allowed-senders list. Let NASAA know if your agency’s e-mail addresses or Internet domain change, which may…
February 6, 2015
Quick & Easy Guide for FY2016 FDRs
The time is upon us to plan for and implement new reporting requirements affecting state arts agency/regional arts organization (SAA/RAO) fiscal year 2016 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Final…
February 6, 2015
Obama Proposes Slight NEA Increase
On Monday, February 2, President Obama submitted his budget proposal for fiscal year 2016, which begins on October 1. The president’s budget, which is not binding but is an important…
February 6, 2015
Ideas from Down Under
I recently met with Tony Grybowski, CEO of the Australia Council for the Arts, the Aussie equivalent of our own National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Our meeting was a…
January 10, 2015
Help in Accessing NASAA Information
Make sure your spam filter doesn’t trap e-mails from NASAA. Place in your allowed-senders list. Let NASAA know if your agency’s e-mail addresses or Internet domain change, which may…