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Arts, Health and Community Well-being

State arts agencies are primed to be leaders of a paradigm shift in health care that embraces the arts as a pathway to healthier individuals and community well-being. Find innovative strategies and essential data for leveraging the strength of the arts in clinical and community settings below.

Essential Arts and Health Strategies and Data

Arts and Health Infographic

Key data on arts and health from the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine

Creative Aging

Arts and Military Health

State Arts Agency Roles

Image Credits

Header: Will “Casso” Condry and Leon “Rain” Rainbow created City of Dreams in the garden of East Trenton Collaborative, a community organizing and development initiative in the East Trenton neighborhood of Trenton’s North Ward. Photo courtesy of New Jersey State Council on the Arts

Artists: Elders and kids work together creating paintings in the Warli style. Photo courtesy of North Dakota Council on the Arts, Troyd Geist

Soldier with guitar: Photo courtesy of the U.S. Army