June 7, 2024
From the Field
New Resources from the American Alliance of Museums
An updated report from the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) sheds light on challenges faced by arts institutions and describes meaningful trends for museums moving forward. TrendsWatch, an annual forecasting report, explores culture wars, artificial intelligence and climate change, among other trends. Relatedly, an AAM blog examines a growing backlash to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), with a helpful cataloging of state anti-DEI bills and suggestions for museums to navigate difficult climates from an operational perspective.
National Trends for Arts and Cultural Organizations
In its recent National Trends for Arts and Cultural Organizations analysis, SMU DataArts examined data from 233 organizations in 14 states, across various disciplines and budget sizes, in the fiscal year 2023 Cultural Data Profile. The study delved into key aspects and trends such as funding sources, attendance, staffing patterns and working capital, providing valuable insights into their implications for these organizations. One notable finding revealed that, while total operating revenue in FY2023 approached prepandemic levels, its composition had shifted: contributed revenue now accounts for 61% of the total operating revenue, indicating a continued increased reliance on this funding source compared to the period before the pandemic.
2024 ArtScan Update: Arts Education Policies in the States
The Arts Education Partnership updated ArtScan, a clearinghouse of the latest state policies supporting arts education from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity. The Scan provides an interactive map where users can click on a state to view the policies in that state. Also provided are a two-page summary of the policies, state policy profiles and a comparison tool.
More States Offer Film and TV Production Tax Incentives
Since 2021, at least 18 states have enacted film incentives, according to a recent article by the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL). Arizona enacted a new tax credit for film and streaming TV production and Missouri adopted a new credit for motion media production projects. Other states expanded their existing credits or introduced bills to create new tax credits. For a complete list of state tax credit incentives, visit NCSL’s State Film and Television Incentive Programs.
Foundation Grant Making to Nonprofit Endowments
The Center for Effective Philanthropy has published Funding Nonprofit Endowments: Foundation Perspectives and Practices, a report on foundation grant making to nonprofit endowments. In a survey of 283 foundations, 31% awarded grants to endowments, but those grants made up only a small percentage of their total grant making. Arts and culture endowments made up more than half of grant recipients, followed by service, education and health endowments.
In this Issue
From the President and CEO
State to State
- California, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington: Planning for the Creative Economy
- Michigan: New Grant-making Initiatives
Legislative Update
The Research Digest
Announcements and Resources
More Notes from NASAA
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