NASAA Notes: May 2023


May issue
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May 1, 2023

From the Field

Facing Change Initiative

The American Alliance of Museums has released a series of videos on how museums can diversify their boards. The Facing Change Initiative supported museums participating in this effort with video resources and learning objectives. The five videos in the collection focus on attracting, recruiting, onboarding, supporting and retaining diverse trustees. Each video is accompanied by supporting documents and discussion prompts for active learning. The resources strive to empower boards to make meaningful change to their structure and processes.

State of the Arts in Texas

Texas Cultural Trust has just published its 2023 State of the Arts Report. This biennial report offers insights on the power of arts and culture to improve educational, economic and health outcomes. The study uses a combination of statewide and national studies accompanied by examples of arts and culture organizations to provide an overview of the strength of artistic and cultural activity in Texas.

Connected Arts Learning Framework

Kylie Peppler, Maggie Dahn and Mizuko Ito, in partnership with The Wallace Foundation, have just published The Connected Arts Learning Framework: An Expanded View of the Purposes and Possibilities for Arts Learning. Moving beyond arts education as solely an artistic or academic endeavor, the report examines arts education as a method and model for promoting civic engagement. The framework offers five approaches for encouraging community connection: center community culture, prepare youth for workforce and civic participation, embed art in networks, support health and well-being, and lift-up youth voices and leadership.

FY2024 Proposed State Budgets

The National Association of State Budget Officers recently released its annual summary of fiscal year 2024 proposed state budgets. This summary report offers an overview of each state’s proposed budget and highlights changes to major program areas like education, health care, workforce and human services. A general overview of the 47 newly proposed budgets suggests that most states are assuming an increase in state spending but are cautious about slower economic growth than for the past year.

In this Issue

From the President and CEO

State to State

Legislative Update

The Research Digest

Announcements and Resources

More Notes from NASAA




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