test Oklahoma: Online Arts Curricula - NASAA

NASAA Notes: June 2020


June issue
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June 2, 2020

Oklahoma: Online Arts Curricula

Photo courtesy Oklahoma Arts Council

The Oklahoma Arts Council recently issued a call for proposals to commission online fine arts teaching modules. Oklahoma teaching artists with demonstrated education experience were recently invited to develop creative curricula that can be used by Oklahoma students, parents and teachers for distance learning as well as in the classroom. The resulting materials will be made available to Oklahoma educators and the public at no cost.

The new teaching tools will focus on dance, drama, music or visual arts at a specific grade level, and must align with the Draft Oklahoma Academic Standards for Fine Arts, approved by the State Board of Education in February 2020. Not only does this initiative help to provide distance learning resources necessitated by COVID-19 school closures, it also helps the state begin to implement its new academic standards for the arts. The online curricula will become a useful asset for educators, artists and parents in rural regions of the state, too.

Teaching artists selected to develop curricula will be compensated for the preparation of sequential lesson plans ranging in duration from 3 to 12 hours, in one-hour installments. The commissions range from $1,080 to $2,160. Completed plans will include guidance on supplies, materials and related resources as well as assessment tools. To learn more, contact Oklahoma Arts Council Arts Education Director Jennifer Allen-Barron.

In this Issue

From the President and CEO

State to State

Legislative Update

The Research Digest

Announcements and Resources

More Notes from NASAA




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