NASAA Notes: January 2018


Kelly Liu Headshot

Kelly Liu

January issue
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January 3, 2018

Explore State Arts Agency Grant Making

NASAA’s interactive Grant-Making Explorer is a useful tool for demonstrating the scope of public funding for the arts. Based on data from state arts agencies’ Final Descriptive Reports, the explorer illustrates grant-making trends over a 10-year period (fiscal years 2007-2016) for each state and for the nation as a whole. One dynamic chart focuses on the number of grants and the dollar amounts awarded for operating support, arts education and individual artist grants. Another one highlights grant-making data by grantee institution and discipline.

As always, members can request customized benchmarking reports or data visualizations comparing their agency’s funding and grant making over time or relative to their peer agencies.

For more information, or to request custom reports, contact NASAA Grants Data Associate Kelly Liu.

In this Issue

From the President and CEO

State to State

Legislative Update

Announcements and Resources

More Notes from NASAA

Research on Demand




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