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Kelly Liu Headshot
Grants Data Associate

Direct: 202-552-0845
202-347-6352 x101

Kelly Liu

Kelly Liu has been with NASAA since 1998. She collects and maintains a database of federal grant-making reports from each state and regional arts agency. She provides technical assistance to members who use the National Standard for Arts Information Exchange for their federal grants reporting. As a grants analyst, Kelly employs analytics tools for data visualization as well as GIS (geographic information system) mapping to help NASAA show the depth and breadth of state arts agencies’ investments in the arts. She also assists in administering annual membership surveys.

Prior to joining NASAA, Kelly worked for the National Association of Counties, the Council on Environmental Quality and the U.S. Department of the Interior. She has a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Drake University and a master of public administration degree from Syracuse University with a certificate in information systems and telecommunications management.