October 1, 2024
Congress Keeps Government Open, But Arts Funding Remains in the Balance
Last week, Congress reached a bipartisan agreement to avoid a government shutdown, keeping the government funded until December 20 through a continuing resolution. This means that all government agencies, including the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), will continue operating at their current funding levels for the time being. However, for arts advocates, the real work lies ahead.
Once the election is over, Congress is expected to reconvene and negotiate a full appropriations bill for the remainder of fiscal year 2025. At stake for the arts community is the funding level for the NEA. Currently, there is a significant difference between the proposals from the House and Senate. The Senate has proposed a modest increase of $2 million for FY2025, while the House has passed a bill that would reduce NEA funding by over $3 million, bringing it down to just below $204 million.
The path forward is uncertain, but there is reason for optimism. Bipartisan support for the arts is strong in the House and Senate, and we are hopeful that this support will prevail in final negotiations. It is essential for arts advocates to continue pushing for the Senate’s proposed increase, which would help bolster arts programming across the country.
One positive note is that both the House and Senate bills maintain full support for the NEA’s federal-state partnership, which ensures that 40% of all NEA grant dollars are allocated to the states and regions. This ongoing commitment is critical for bringing the arts to every corner of the country, and we are grateful for the continued backing of this important partnership.
As we near the November elections and Congress heads into recess, we urge you to stay engaged. Please reach out to your elected officials and advocate for the higher funding level for the NEA. Emphasize that public funding for arts and creativity is a high-return investment that benefits every American in every city, town and rural community nationwide. (See Arts and Creativity Strengthen Our Nation for additional talking points.) Every voice matters, and continued support for the arts helps strengthen communities, drive creativity and enrich our shared culture.
In this Issue
From the President and CEO
State to State
- Puerto Rico: Caguana Indigenous Ceremonial Center
- Oklahoma: Creative Aging Partnership Grants
- Massachusetts: Native American and Indigenous People's Equity Plan
Legislative Update
The Research Digest
Announcements and Resources
More Notes from NASAA
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