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December 5, 2006
Did You Know?
Arts Participation and Civic Engagement Linked in New Research A recent report from the National Endowment for the Arts confirms that arts and civic participation work together as integral components…
December 5, 2006
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Where can I learn more about Internet blogs and the roles they are playing in the arts community? Answer: Since the emergence of blogging as an obscure “techie” pastime…
December 5, 2006
Legislative Update
Mid-Term Elections: Impact on Congressional Arts Support: The November 7 election results produced significant changes in Congress as the House and Senate shift to majorities for the Democrats who gained…
December 5, 2006
Executive Director's Column
Much is now being written about how the recent mid-term Congressional elections have changed the prospects for future policy. In his Legislative Memo of November 13, NASAA Legislative Counsel Tom…
October 13, 2006
Legislative Update
Advocates Build Support For NEA Fund Increase: While Congress is in recess until after the November elections, arts advocates are building support in the Senate for an increase in funding…
October 13, 2006
Did You Know?
Consumer Spending on the Performing Arts Remains Flat Despite Growing Economy. Inflation-adjusted spending on performing arts events remained at 2004 levels in 2005, according to a recent Note from the…
October 13, 2006
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: I want to encourage civic leaders in my state to become champions for arts education. What are some accessible – and inspirational – resources that can help me make…