NASAA Notes: June 2018


June issue
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June 15, 2018

Indiana: On-Ramp

2018 On-Ramp participants. Photo by Bridget Eckert

The Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) recently announced the inaugural cohort of 36 artists for its creative-entrepreneurship accelerator program. On-Ramp is designed to help early career artists ramp up their entrepreneurial journey, move faster toward their business goals and navigate professional challenges on the way. Through a three-day intensive training course, participating artists learn business skills for creative careers—focusing on marketing, financial practices and business law—and discuss how to position their work for greater social impact, public benefit and community engagement. Upon completion of the course, participants receive one-on-one coaching from an arts-business professional as well as the imprimatur of On-Ramp certification, which they can leverage when approaching business investors. They also are eligible to apply for up to $2,000 in funding from IAC’s On-Ramp Fellowship Grant to implement a business plan or support other career development activities. To find out more about the On-Ramp accelerator, contact IAC Artist and Community Services Manager Anna Tragesser.

In this Issue

From the President and CEO

State to State

Legislative Update

Announcements and Resources

More Notes from NASAA

Research on Demand




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