September 1, 2021
Colorado: Community Revitalization Grant

Salida is one of Colorado’s first creative districts. Photo courtesy Colorado Creative Industries
In June 2021, the state of Colorado enacted S.B. 21-252, creating the Colorado Community Revitalization program to fund creative projects that would spur economic development in mixed-use commercial centers. Colorado Creative Industries (CCI), in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Division of Local Government, is in charge of administering the grant program and allocating the $65 million in funding that was appropriated.
Renovation and revitalization projects supported through this initiative should provide the catalyst for greater community development. Grants of up to $5 million (and no more than 50% of the project total) will be awarded to applications for mixed-use development that provide workforce housing, creative community spaces, artisan commercial space and creative retail space. The grant also highlights the potential for projects that provide live-work space for creative-sector workers and their families, making these projects eligible for more than $5 million in funding. Proposals that provide space to serve community needs, such as performance space, child care, health and hosting nonprofit groups, also are encouraged to apply for this grant opportunity.
Multiple types of organizations are eligible to apply for the grant, including municipalities and local government, Colorado creative districts, urban renewal authorities, school districts, and both nonprofit and for-profit business entities. Likewise, CCI is encouraging geographically diverse applicants to apply and has the prerogative to ensure that funding reaches as many parts of the state as possible.
CCI will partner with the Division of Local Government to gather input from various stakeholders during the review process, and additional priority will be given to projects that occur in creative districts, historic districts, Main Streets and commercial centers. To be effective, projects must draw on local community values and be geared toward local community revitalization, which constitutes 25% of the project’s evaluation score. The evaluation of projects also prioritizes proposals that address the challenges that economically disadvantaged communities face, that work to diversify the local economy, and that commit to resident attraction and/or retention. For more information, contact CCI Program Coordinator Sarah Harrison.
In this Issue
From the President and CEO
State to State
- New Jersey, Maryland, Puerto Rico, Vermont: Virtual Art Exhibitions
- Colorado: Community Revitalization Grant
Legislative Update
The Research Digest
Announcements and Resources
More Notes from NASAA
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