August 14, 2015
Wyoming: 125 Days of Arts and Humanities
In celebration of Wyoming’s 125th anniversary of statehood, the Wyoming Arts Council (WAC) is partnering with the Wyoming Humanities Council (WHC) to promote arts and humanities events across the state. In 2014, Governor Matt Mead and the legislature asked state agencies what they could do in recognition of the anniversary, and WAC and WHC decided that celebrating the arts would be the best way to honor the birthday since the creativity of its citizens is one of Wyoming’s greatest resources. In turn, they launched 125 Days of Arts & Humanities, a project through which they are highlighting every day, from May through October, at least one arts or cultural activity in the state. WAC is running the campaign through its website, its Facebook and Twitter accounts, and the summer issue of its Artscapes magazine. The 125 Days web page was one of the most-visited pages on WAC’s website in May and June, and by mid-July there were 150 events associated with the campaign. With the evident popularity of the project, WAC may make this effort to celebrate creative Wyoming a summer tradition. More about 125 Days of Arts & Humanities is available from WAC Communications Specialist Mike Shay.
In this Issue
State to State
- Nevada: New SAA Revenue Stream from Entertainment Tax
- Wyoming: 125 Days of Arts and Humanities
- Michigan: Equipment & Supplies Grant for Schools
- Colorado: Space to Create, Colorado
Legislative Update
More Notes from NASAA
From the CEO
Research on Demand
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