April 7, 2014
Texas: Rural Initiatives
With more than 3.6 million residents living beyond its cities and their suburbs, Texas has the largest rural population in the nation. The Rural Initiatives program is how the Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) answers the challenge of serving so many rural residents. Through the program, TCA helps rural communities lacking arts groups to apply for Arts Respond Project Grants by designating government agencies and nonprofits as Rural Arts Providers, and thereby recognizing them as eligible grant applicants. Non-arts entities that may earn the status of Rural Arts Provider include chambers of commerce, Main Street programs, libraries, schools, parks and recreation departments, and other departments of municipal, county, state or federal government. Through the Rural Initiatives, TCA also organizes artists on its Texas Touring Roster to provide free performances in designated counties. Communities not covered by the Rural Initiatives have to pay Texas Touring Roster artists’ fees, though there is grant funding available to cover part of these costs. Find out more by contacting TCA Director of Communications Anina Moore.
In this Issue
State to State
- Alaska: Empowering Artists as Entrepreneurs
- Mississippi: Creative Mississippi Institute
- Texas: Rural Initiatives
Legislative Update
More Notes from NASAA
Executive Director's Column
Research on Demand
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