August 4, 2011
California: Income Tax Checkoff Program
Following legislation enacted in 2010 to authorize income tax donations to the California Arts Council(CAC), the agency has secured $152,465 in contributed funds in calendar year 2011. The state’s tax return forms now allow California taxpayers to contribute part of their personal income tax refund to the California Arts Council. Funds will be used to support arts education and community arts programs. No funds may be used for administrative expenses.
Individuals can make tax-deductible contributions in amounts of $1 or more. The state’s Franchise Tax Board has released figures showing that state tax filers have made 15,321 donations to the Arts Council fund through June 2011, with contributions averaging around $10 per donor. The Arts Council has created special promotional materials—including fliers and web banner ads—to help grantees and arts organizations encourage contributions from arts audiences and community members. To learn more about this revenue enhancement mechanism, contact CAC Deputy Director Marilyn Nielsen. For information on income tax revenues generated by other state arts agencies, contact NASAA Research Associate Henry Clapp.
In this Issue
State to State
Legislative Update
Executive Director's Column
Research on Demand
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