February 22, 2007
Did You Know?
Student Participation in After-School Activities Increased in 2005.
After-school activities contribute to the social and academic development of children, encouraging constructive use of their time and introducing youngsters to new ideas, people and interests. The percentage of students (kindergarten through eighth grade) participating in these activities increased between 2001 and 2005, according to a recent report from the National Center for Education Statistics. In 2005, 18 percent of students participated in after-school Arts activities. Arts activities ranked third in student participation, following religious activities (20 percent) and sports (31 percent).
Participation rates varied according to student gender, economic class and grade. Female students were twice as likely as male students to participate in arts activities, clubs, community service, religious activities and scouts. Larger percentages of higher income students participated in each after-school activity, than low income students. This contrast was most obvious in arts activities (25 percent versus 7 percent) and sports (42 percent versus 12 percent). Student participation rates generally increased with grade year, except in the arts, scouts and sports. Participation rates for these activities peaked in grades 3 through 5 and declined between grade 6 and 8.

Source: “The Condition of Education 2006,” National Center for Education Statistics, June 2006.
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Executive Director's Column
Did You Know?
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