With a new year upon us, we encourage arts advocates to redouble your efforts to spread good news about the arts. Here are some fresh NASAA resources to assist your efforts.
Three Easy Ways to Advocate
In November, more than 5,900 state legislative elections were held, and the winners are now being sworn into office. What better time to educate new policymakers about the value of public funding for the arts? NASAA makes your job easy with the latest edition of The Practical Advocate:
Three Simple Ways to Advocate for the Arts. Check it out—and share it with your network!
Governor’s Arts Awards Sampler + Bento Box
Two new resources help state arts agencies promote and celebrate the arts. The Governor’s Arts Awards report includes useful examples of goals and operational considerations along with program details from nearly 40 states. The Governor’s Arts Awards bento box lets you visualize various aspects of these programs, from partnerships to performances to promotion ideas.
NEA Appropriations and Partisan Control
As Washington prepares for another transition in the White House and Congress, NASAA has received questions about the history of arts appropriations during different political eras. Our nifty data visualization shows appropriations to the National Endowment for the Arts in conjunction with party majorities over time. Explore!
State Arts Agency Revenue Strategies
In addition to appropriations, state legislatures use a variety of approaches to fund state arts agencies. NASAA’s newly updated
Dedicated Revenue Strategies brief M reviews strategies that include special taxes and fees, income tax checkoffs, license plates and cultural trusts. It also outlines policy considerations and success factors.
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Sue Struve, 202-347-7068.