State arts agencies have a directive to recognize the rich tapestry of culture that exists within their states and support access to the creative economy for all constituents. In a first-of-its-kind program, the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) created a Tribal Cultural Affairs program to support tribal communities and Indigenous artists in expanding community-directed access to economic opportunities.
The Tribal Cultural Affairs program aligns with ArtsWA’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan goal to “Deepen Relationships with Tribes” via hiring a Tribal Cultural Affairs manager and expanding tribal engagement through programs. The program also is guided by the recommendations of a 2022 Native American Ad-Hoc Committee that was convened by ArtsWA and led by ArtsWA commissioners Dr. Kelvin Frank, Chippewa Cree, and Linley Logan, Tonawanda Seneca. Among the committee’s recommendations:
- Establish a Tribal consultation policy.
- Increase collaboration between ArtsWA and tribes.
- Develop a meaningful tribal affairs program with grant support that focuses on professional development and the expansion of arts programming in Native communities.
To foster relationships between ArtsWA and the 29 federally recognized tribes that share geography with Washington, ArtsWA has hired two full-time staff members from tribal communities to direct the program. Funding for the new staff positions and program administration was allocated in 2023 through a dedicated legislative appropriation of $1.7 million. Of that amount, $1 million is dedicated solely to grant funds each biennium.
The program’s first pilot project, the Tribal Arts Grant, will work to expand arts participation, support artistically diverse projects and facilitate Indigenous communities’ access to the creative economy. The grant is open only to federally recognized tribes within Washington state, and a minimum of $18,000 has been set aside for each tribe. Applications are adjudicated on completeness only; the funding is not competitive. Grants do not require a match and can support a wide range of activities, including artist fees, rent and capital expenses, travel, and start-up costs for Native/Indigenous artists. Technical assistance is available to support preparation of the application.
Additionally, ArtsWA has worked with the state attorney general to ensure that grants between ArtsWA and tribes can be completed as Indian Nation Agreements. This vehicle for awarding grant funds, which was developed in consultation with tribal representatives, ensures that tribes are recognized as sovereign nations by Washington and that agreements between the two operate as government-to-government. This process draws on the Centennial Accord and Millennium Agreement, which outline state-to-state interaction between the state of Washington and the federally recognized tribes.
Initial goals for the project, outlined in the February 2024 board report, address the three aims for the program: providing a world-class education for Native youth and entrepreneurs, encouraging a prosperous economy in which Native communities can fully participate, and supporting healthy and safe Native communities through arts and cultural learning experiences and participation. Metrics for the program will measure:
- the number of grants awarded to tribes, tribal artists, culture bearers, and tribal arts and creative program providers;
- the number of tribal participants and communities that are served by the program; and
- the number of new services and programs offered annually.
For more information, contact ArtsWA Tribal Cultural Affairs Manager Cheryl Wilcox, Cowlitz Indian Tribe, and Program Coordinator Todd Clark, Wailacki Indian Tribe, Round Valley Indian Tribes.