October 2, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: I have developed a survey that I would like to administer online. What should I be considering when evaluating Web sites that offer this service?
Answer: Keep several considerations in mind when evaluating online survey options:
- How flexible is the design? Can I construct the different types of question and answer options that I need?
- Will the data output in a useful way?
- How many responses can be collected?
- Can the survey be password protected? Can it be restricted so it can be completed only once on a particular computer?
- What is the cost structure?
More Information: Contact Shannah Sphar (202-347-6352 x111), research associate, for additional guidance on evaluating online survey options, question construction, and general survey design.
In this Issue
State to State
- Idaho: Art and Soul
- Utah: Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program
- New Hampshire: Prescribing the Arts
- Oklahoma: Leadership Arts
- Colorado: YouthReach Colorado Evaluation
Legislative Update
Executive Director's Column
Did You Know?
Frequently Asked Questions
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