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Thomas L. Birch
President’s Budget Proposes Level Funding for NEA in 2007; Congress Set to Decide Charitable Provisions in Tax Bill The budget debate opened on February 6 when President Bush President Bush sent his Fiscal Year 2007…
Jonathan Katz
I sense in many of the states I visit a readiness to consider a future agenda for arts support that is significantly different from past and current agendas. Readiness to consider change can derive from…
According to the fiftieth annual Giving USA report from the Giving USA Foundation, charitable revenue to the arts, culture and humanities accounted for $13.99 billion or 5.6% of total estimated giving in 2004. These private…
Question: How can I find information about foundation giving in my area? Answer: The Foundation Center is a good resource for learning about trends in giving among independent, corporate and community and foundations. The Foundation…