Colorado Creative Industries: A Sustainable Approach to Creative Aging: Empowering Rural Partners

Project Description

A Sustainable Approach to Creative Aging: Empowering Rural Partners is a two-year project between Colorado Creative Industries (CCI) and Think 360 Arts for Learning. The project will expand capacity and partnerships in rural Colorado to reach older adults at high risk of social isolation, in alignment with goals outlined in the Colorado State Plan on Aging. These partnerships will provide training and best practices to rural service providers, ensuring that creative aging programming will continue in these areas beyond the scope of the grant. It will provide teaching artists specialized training to more effectively meet the needs of older adults, and will support workshops focused on social-emotional learning (SEL) for artists and rural service providers so that they can intentionally incorporate SEL goals into residencies. Finally, the funding will allow CCI and Think 360 to convene thought partners, including the State Unit on Aging and the Area Agencies on Aging, to discuss and identify regional needs and opportunities in rural Colorado.