This Upcoming NASAA Events Calendar lists conferences, virtual meetings and peer group meetings. View by event type (at the top), or scroll to view by month. Meeting information may be subject to change. Please contact Learning Services Director Eric Giles with updates to peer group gatherings.
Please note that peer group meetings are for the staff and council members of state and jurisdictional arts agencies. Some peer groups also include staff of regional arts organizations.
Contact: Eric Giles
Topic: Geography Based Funding Strategies. Panel discussion on funding strategies/priorities that center geography in award distribution. Contact: Kelly Liu
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Marisa Summers
Contact: Marisa Summers
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Meghan McFerrin
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Marisa Summers
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Meghan McFerrin
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Meghan McFerrin
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Marisa Summers
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Marisa Summers
Contact: Eric Giles
Contact: Eric Giles