September 24, 2019
From: Isaac Brown, Legislative Counsel
Vol. 19:07
Today, the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee met and approved legislation funding several federal agencies for fiscal year 2020; the National Endowment for the Arts is among the agencies included in the bill. The legislation funds the Endowment at $157 million, an increase of $2 million over its current funding level of $155 million. NASAA and other arts organizations asked the Senate Subcommittee to match the House approved figure of $167.5 million for fiscal year 2020; we appreciate the subcommittee’s strong bipartisan support of the agency and their movement toward our goal.
Now that the Subcommittee has approved the bill, the full Senate Appropriations Committee will meet on Thursday to consider it. NASAA members are encouraged to reach out to senators on the Appropriations Committee to voice support for increasing the Endowment’s appropriation, as well as support for the federal-state partnership, which allocates 40% of the agency’s grant budget for this important program. NASAA will keep you apprised as developments occur.