In collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) is pleased to release a new Strategy Sampler exemplifying successful state programs and policies in arts and health.
Cross-Sector Strategies for Health and Community Well-Being documents the strategies of seven state arts agencies with innovative programs connecting the arts sector and health care sector.
This new research, led by NASAA Research Associate Nakyung Rhee, tells the story of state arts agency initiatives that enable arts and creativity to contribute to individual health and well-being.
The report shows how state arts agencies create strategic partnerships with public health agencies and nonprofit organizations to strengthen social connections, build resilience, help to heal personal and community traumas, and extend the other benefits of the arts to all residents. Although these arts and health programs originated with the needs of each state, shared practices have emerged. These include similarities in policy rationales, program delivery mechanisms and partnership approaches—all of which are documented in this new Strategy Sampler.
Cross-Sector Strategies for Health and Community Well-Being is especially useful in showing how the arts are integrated with public health initiatives and community well-being programs through state governments. This report uniquely examines the critical role of state level governance and intervention in such initiatives. Accordingly, it offers pragmatic insights for state arts agencies, policymakers and administrators working to implement and expand arts based health strategies.
This report is the first of three Strategy Samplers highlighting state and jurisdictional arts agency and regional arts organization initiatives to partner across sectors and to channel the arts and creativity in solving community challenges.