Photo Album Slideshow
Photo from the collection of Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum. Photographer: Larry Haines
The Wyoming Arts Council (Rita Basom, manager, left) and the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources (Sara Needles, Department of Cultural Resources administrator, right) hosted NASAA's 2013 Leadership Institute. Photos 2-33 courtesy of Richard Collier, Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources
Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Director Milward Simpson, left, welcomes Ohio Arts Council Chair Jeff Rich and his wife, Leslie Rich.
The NASAA staff ''welcome committee'' (left to right): Arts Education Manager Kim Willey, Learning Services Manager Eric Giles, Communications Manager Sue Struve, Executive Associate Jessica Galvano, Director of Meetings and Events Sharon Gee and Research Manager Paul Pietsch
Wyoming singer-songwriter Michael Hurwitz regaled participants with tunes and stories at the Opening Reception.
DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Chair Judith Terra (left) and West Virginia Commission on the Arts Chair Susan Landis (right) with NASAA Chief Advancement Officer Laura Smith
Incoming NASAA President and Louisiana Office of Cultural Development Assistant Secretary Pam Breaux shares a moment with Guam Council on the Arts & Humanities Agency Director Joseph Artero-Cameron.
North Bear inspired participants with their singing and drumming at the opening session.
Left to right: Pam Breaux, Wyoming Poet Laureate Echo Klaproth, Terry Tempest Williams, and NASAA Chief Program and Planning Officer Kelly Barsdate
Connecticut Office of the Arts Director of Arts & Historic Preservation Daniel Forrest rose to the occasion at the annual roll call of the states.
Acclaimed author, advocate and educator Terry Tempest Williams shared new works during her featured artist keynote.
NASAA CEO Jonathan Katz interviewed Terry Tempest Williams.
Peer sessions offered opportunities for lively small-group conversations.
Alabama State Council on the Arts Deputy Director Barbara Edwards shared the latest trends from Alabama.
Another bright idea from South Carolina Arts Council Executive Director Ken May
Massachusetts Cultural Council Executive Director Anita Walker and Vermont Arts Council Executive Director Alex Aldrich
Institute sponsor and former Wyoming Arts Council Chair Bruce Richardson joined ArtsWa Chair Brenda Nienhouse at the National Museum of Wildlife Art.
Susan Landis, Indiana Arts Commission Executive Director Lewis Ricci, Bruce Richardson and Rita Basom celebrated the success of NASAA's 2013 challenge grant campaign, which secured $105,000 in contributions to NASAA.
The Verismo Trio provided a mix of chamber music and modern selections.
Maryland State Arts Council Chair Barbara Bershon admires a painting at the National Museum of Wildlife Art.
Former U.S. Senator from Wyoming Alan Simpson shared tales of his experiences and perspectives on the importance of the arts.
Among the eight new executive directors in attendance at the 2013 Leadership Institute were Oklahoma's Amber Sharples (left), Mississippi's Tom Pearson and Louisiana's Cathy Hernandez.
Left to right: Minnesota State Arts Board Chair Michael Charron, former ArtsWa Council Member Lynn Kessler, Wyoming Arts Council Vice Chair Duane Evenson and former Maine Arts Commission Chair John Rohman offered insights on arts advocacy from their tenures as elected officials.
Theatre Bay Area Executive Director Brad Erickson elaborated on audience survey results at the Arts Advocacy Meets Intrinsic Impact briefing session.
Alabama State Council on the Arts Chair Jim Harrison (far left), Executive Director Al Head and his wife, Judy Head, Council Member Becky Quinn and her husband, Bill Quinn
New NASAA Board member and Arkansas Arts Council Immediate Past Chair Garbo Hearne led a roundtable discussion.
Contemporary Dance Wyoming performed as participants arrived at the Center for the Arts.
Montana Arts Council Executive Director Arni Fishbaugh addressed members at her final business meeting as NASAA president.
NASAA CEO Jonathan Katz was upbeat at his annual State of the State Arts Agencies address.
Contemporary Dance Wyoming at the Artist Showcase
Comedian Bob Berky (center) improvised with Milward Simpson and Montana Arts Council Chair Cyndy Andrus.
''Alt-country'' musician Jalan Crossland set toes tapping with his award-winning mastery of the guitar and banjo.
The Teton and Gros Ventre ranges provided an unforgettable and inspiring setting for the 2013 Leadership Institute in Jackson Hole.