NEA Appropriations Bills Advance, Negative Amendment Possible

From: Isaac Brown, Legislative Counsel
Vol. 15:07

This week, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees passed legislation funding the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for fiscal year 2016. In both bills, the NEA’s current funding of $146 million is maintained. While NASAA and other arts organizations had been urging Congress to support the agency at $155 million, we are grateful for the committee’s proposed funding level, given that sequestration, which requires a reduction in federal spending, remains in place.

Call to Action

Next week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies appropriations bill, which includes the NEA’s budget. NASAA has learned that when the bill is considered next week, it is possible that an amendment to the bill might be offered that would reduce funding for the agency. As we work to learn more information about this potential amendment, we urge you to contact your representatives in the House, urging them to support the NEA’s current funding level and to oppose any amendment that reduces funding.

In making this case, please remind your representative’s staff that 40% of all grant dollars appropriated to the NEA goes directly to states and regions. Then talk about an arts project or event taking place in their district that can be connected to the NEA. This is a great way to drive home the point that funding for the federal agency benefits every district in the United States as a result of the partnership with state arts agencies.

You can identify your legislators by using this link:

As soon as we learn more information about the vote next week, we will share it with you.