June 5, 2009
Research on Demand
As a national source of information on public arts funding, NASAA provides a knowledge network and fact base to help state arts agencies make informed policy decisions and put their own state’s needs and experiences in context. Providing customized responses to member questions is a hallmark of NASAA. This new column offers specific examples of the NASAA research services available and shows how they can be customized to meet your needs.
2009 Staffing and Compensation Survey Information
NASAA’s Staffing and Compensation Survey is administered on a periodic basis to provide a snapshot of state arts agency staffing structure. NASAA uses the survey to collect a number of valuable resources for members:
- The State Arts Agency Staffing Trends Report provides an analysis of survey results, including trends over time, staffing configurations, and tenure details for key positions.
- The Organizational Chart Databank contains sample state arts agency staffing diagrams. Use these as models when creating an organizational chart or considering restructuring strategies. Here is an example from the Vermont Arts Council.
- The Job Description Databank contains detailed job descriptions and announcements for common state arts agency positions. Refer to them while drafting job postings, redistributing responsibilities among staff or writing performance review standards.
For more information, contact Shannah Sphar at shannah.sphar@nasaa-arts.org or 202.347.6352 x111.
In this Issue
Legislative Update
Executive Director's Column
Research on Demand
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