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Sue Struve Headshot
Senior Communications Manager

Direct: 202-347-7068
202-347-6352 x109

Sue Struve

Sue Struve joined NASAA in 2008. She oversees NASAA’s communications to members, partners, colleague organizations, the public and the press. She is responsible for the content and production of NASAA’s broadcast emails, website, reports and printed materials and works to build community among state arts agencies.

Sue was previously director of web operations at the U.S. Naval Institute in Annapolis, Maryland, where she advanced the organization’s mission using web and email communications, managed hundreds of web projects, and oversaw three website redesigns. Her editorial career includes terms as web content editor, email newsletter editor, magazine and book editor, and public relations coordinator. Sue has held positions at The Aspen Institute, Cornell Maritime Press, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and Arbitron Ratings Company. She holds a B.A. in communication arts from Salisbury State College and is a professional actor in the Washington-Baltimore area.