Guam Council on the Arts & Humanities Agency: Creative Aging

Project Description


As an anchor project for CAHA, the Creative Aging project will fund and develop the coursework and training of creative aging trainers and will fund workshops conducted by graduates of the training program. The training program will be developed around these five core areas: (1) the value of traditional arts for promoting health and wellness, (2) the role of cultural values, traditional hierarchies and communication styles in teaching, (3) the effects of aging in Pacific populations and their significance in the design and delivery of art programs, (4) the design of sequential, skill based activities for manamko in both virtual and face-to-face platforms, and (5) the foundations of community partnerships, intergenerational dynamics and social engagement on Guam. An artist/training coordinator will create the training program, coordinate certified professionals to inform the program, recruit trainees, train the first cohort and workshop their draft proposals for future workshops.