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June 7, 2024
Michigan: New Grant-making Initiatives
State arts agencies (SAAs) nationwide are increasingly prioritizing equity in their grant-making practices, recognizing the importance of fair and transparent allocation of funds to support diverse communities and cultural organizations. In a noteworthy development, the Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC) recently introduced several new grant making policy changes aimed at streamlining and transforming its…

May 1, 2024
Minnesota: Accessible Arts Program
Many people with disabilities confront barriers in their ability to create, access and fully participate in artistic experiences. Such hurdles not only limit their artistic expression but also perpetuate exclusion—highlighting the need for accessible and inclusive initiatives so that everyone can experience the transformative power of the arts. Recognizing the significant challenges faced by individuals…

May 1, 2024
New Jersey: ArtsPay NJ
In 2022, New Jersey’s arts service organizations came together through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts Communities of Practice initiative. Through these convenings, the group strategized ways to address important issues affecting the arts field—issues like pay equity, salary transparency, workforce retention and sector sustainability. An outgrowth of this collaborative work was ArtsPay…

March 13, 2024
Illinois: Grants Policy Shifts
In 2023, the Illinois Arts Council (IAC) initiated an assessment of its grant making strategies. As a first step, the agency sought community input through an extensive statewide listening tour. IAC staff and council members conducted 34 town hall meetings in over 20 counties. The meetings were attended by more than 200 cultural organizations as…

February 6, 2024
Rhode Island: Initiating Equity Work Program
A collaboration of the Rhode Island Foundation and Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA), the Initiating Equity Work for Small and Volunteer-Led Organizations Program is a capacity building initiative tailored for organizations committed to equity. Designed to address the unique challenges faced by small and volunteer-led organizations, the program aims to create and…

January 3, 2024
Ohio: Artists with Disabilities Access Program
Recognizing the importance of creative expression by artists of all abilities as essential to community life, the Ohio Arts Council (OAC) offers the Artists with Disabilities Access Grant Program (ADAP). The program is designed to remove obstacles that may hinder artists with disabilities from fully participating in and contributing to Ohio’s diverse arts scene. The…

December 5, 2023
California: Research on Statewide Access to Arts Funding
As stewards of public funding, state arts agencies continually seek ways to measure and evaluate their grant making. This data-driven self-reflection is essential for better management of funds and improved outcomes, and fills gaps in current programming. As part of its long-term strategy to make its impact more equitable, the California Arts Council (CAC) has…

September 6, 2023
North Dakota: Partnering to Support Native Arts and Culture
As state arts agencies work to serve all constituents, many are considering the ways in which artistic and cultural partnerships can foster stronger relationships with underserved communities and address histories of inequality. For the North Dakota Council on the Arts, this means building stronger relationships with Native communities through collaborating with Indigenous artists and culture…