NASAA Notes: June 2009


Jesse Rye Headshot

Jesse Rye

June issue
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June 5, 2009

Kentucky: Poets Laureate

Classroom sets of the recently published Five Kentucky Poets Laureate: An Anthology and accompanying on-line teaching resource materials are available at no cost to all high schools across the commonwealth. Coordinated by the Kentucky Arts Council (KAC), the anthology includes the writings of the state’s poets laureate from 1999 – 2008. An on-line study guide, developed by Dr. Sue Churchill, includes biographies, video clips, questions for analysis, handouts, keywords for consideration, explanation of key literary features and specific writing assignments. The anthology is also available to the public. Proceeds from the sale of the book support literary projects in Kentucky. For more information or to purchase your own copy of the anthology, contact Kentucky Arts Council Communication Director Ed Lawrence.